TinyWeb-DB Server In Google Apps Script

:wave: Hello Everyone…

Today i'm here to share a small piece of my work with you all and i hope it'll be helpful for your project.
It is very clear from the name of this topic that i'm going to show you how you can make a server for TinyWebDB component on Google Apps Script and store data in Google Spreadsheet.

You can get the server code and a good explanation on below github link, so you can also create and use your own server for FREE.

After your have created your server and get the webhook url or say TinyWebDb server URL, you cam now create a simple project to test it.

Design Part


Blocks Part

Smaple AIA : TinyWebDB.aia (2.4 KB)

One more thing here, it is compatible with any appInventor distribution, not only with Mit Appinventor. You are free to use it with other distributions too..

Hit :heart: button if you found this helpful and feel free to ask your query or suggestions.

Ct tricks


Yes, did this a year ago ( January 2020) :wink:

TinyWebDB - Encrypted - on a Spreadsheet

and of course it is also possible, with a bit of work, for an app user to run this on their own google drive!

without encoding/encrypting in your method the developer should make users aware that they, the developer, can see all their data!

This is a awesome script! :star_struck:

Nice work @Ct_tricks!

1 Like

Wow, you're incredible @Ct_tricks :heart_eyes: :+1:


Hey @TIMAI2 i have seen that and used it too... it's awesome, no doubt. But as you know you are using a web component to store/get data, but i took a try to make a server for default TinyWebDB component, and made it successfully. So i have shared that here :smiley:

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Very nice work @Ct_tricks.

J'essaie d'utiliser cela pour avoir une sauvegarde des données d'un tinydb .
Je vois ce post et j'ai, je pense, fait pas à pas ce qu'il faut pour créer un serveur web, et j'ai mis le lien dans le serviceURL avec la modification ?version=1.0 à la fin du lien

Malheureusement j'ai ce message
"Communication with the web service encountered an protocole exception"

J'ai regardé un peu partout sur le forum, je ne comprends pas les réponses proposées
Pouvez vous m'aider à résoudre mon problème s'il vous plait ?

Je ne suis pas très bon pour les communications avec le web, ni avec l'anglais :roll_eyes:, donc si vous pouvez avoir des solutions simples, ce serai super...