Tiny DB saving information but only for a short period of time

I have a app that saves diary entries but for some reason sometimes the entry which is saved using tiny DB disappears. This only happens sometimes as it works most of the time. Any ideas on what the problem is and how to fix it?

Are you clearing any tag at any point of time?

Maybe show your blocks to get a better idea how you are saving to the TinyDB.

Here are my blocks, but I have this problem with all my screens using Tiny DB.

You are clearing the databases at 2 places.
Won't it delete all your data?


what is the use of clear all over here?

That shouldn't be there. I must have added it by mistake. Do you think this is the problem?

Yeah for sure

Awesome! I will wait and see if the data deletes its self again, thanks for pointing that out. :slightly_smiling_face:

How many screens Liezel?

Sorry for the late reply, the problem was the unknown piece of code. My problem works great now. Thanks for the help. :grinning:

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