I have noticed a strange behaviour in the clock timer, it seems to pause after while and does nothing no matter what and then a few minutes later it turns normal. I suspect this to be some sort of cool down or something. I found this when I was using the "when clock.timer" function.
So is there something wrong with the player? If it is not the clock it could be the player because it constantly playing the sound.
A What is the time interval between calls to the player?
B What is the length of the sound file/files?
If B > A then you may have problems
On which device and with which Android version are you testing?
The timer interval is variable and is defined using a slider.
Redmi Note 4 android 7.0
Doesn't answer the question though - length of sound file > timer interval ?
Are you talking about idle / sleep mode (Doze)? App / Clock running in background (screen off)?
No, the sound stops coming even if the screen is on and is back after after a few minutes
Post your (relevant) blocks or a test aia (to reproduce this issue).
Ok you are right this was a graphical error created, I will add this change.
I will get you a video of what exactly is happening.