I have been using AI2 for some time and have had a couple of apps working with CloudDB.
But 2 days ago everything just failed with the same error message:
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to clouddb.appinventor.mit.edu/ (port 6381) from / (port 58898) after 20000ms
This is in spite of CloudDB1.CloudConnected returning True. And this is also true for a very simple 5 block test app.
Any ideas?
(I thought about using Redis but that all seems so complicated.)
The MIT server that hosts the MIT CloudDB is working normally at the moment with several large Projects I have. No one else is reporting the error constantly so a possibility is your code or your IP.
The server might be having heavy usage; in that case using a Redis server instead of the default server provided by MIT for testing your CloudDB Project might clear up your problem.
the problem occurs using WIFI or data? If you don't have a great Internet connection intermittently that could be your issue.
You might use a FirebaseDB instead of the CloudDB on a Redis server. It's Blocks are similar.
Solved. Even though I seemed to be able to do everything else on the internet I noticed Spotify saying that the internet was not available.
So I rebooted my phone and normal operation resumed with my apps.
Thanks for taking the time to respond Steve. Hope this may help someone else in the same situation.