Time to RESET Forum / Documentation

dear engaged programmers,
since a few years I am happy about the helpfulness here.
But it's time to say : RESET the forum for a new beginning specially for Newbies.
I'm able to write programs with 5000 blocks, but I'm very frustrated.
Thausends of entries in the forum, do you have search and analyze when you have to solve a problem.
Last one the changes for file management (scope sdcard ASD etc.).
Where can I find examples thats work from the editor MIT ?
Not entries in the forum like "try this try that oh sorry try an other way" ?
At least Im not able to set a source for player.
[mod-edit language] is this. I'm angry.

The Tutorials section has clean examples.

I have FAQ sections for some topics, but I defer to the other Power Users more knowledgeable on Permissions and File Scopes.

The other Power Users have their own web sites with articles on their specialties.


Yes, the problems with scoped storage affect all users and do not amuse anyone.
Where is your problem?


where is that file you like to play? in the assets of the app? just use the filename, for example myFile.mp3 or is it somewhere else? where? in a shared directory? are you familiar with the overview?

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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Thanks ABG for your help. Yes some topics ok. other have to revise :
Example: http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/other/media.html
/sdcard/Music/Blondie/The Best of Blondie/Heart of Glass.mp3 .......doesn't work
/sdcard/Android/data/appinventor.ai.{user}.{app}/files/Music/Blondie/The Best of Blondie/Heart of Glass.mp3 .....works !

I use an Android 10 device Moto G7.

Thanks Anke for your help !
The problem was solved by me....test and try many different ways.
Now I create an "directory list" with
[call File1 .ListDirectory scope "shared" directoryName "/"]
This list was filtered by a choosen directory that include mp3-files.

Thanks Taifun for your help !
Your Tools/Extensions (eg. TaifunFile) are great, the best way to solve problems or expand opportunities.
After the "Update nbxxx" with "legacy/scope/file desaster" I search a new way for my Music-Player with new "file handles" in Appinventor, just for my own fun.
See answer to Anke : Player Source = /sdcard/playme.mp3 doesn't work.
This problem ist solved. (I hope)
What is the reason that load player vom internal storage doesn't work ?

My humble opinion is : inside the Documentation (Blocks and Components) is the best place for examples. Updates have to change examples.

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your path is incomplete...
the correct full path for your file stored in the ASD would be
for the ASD let me recommend you to use the following blocks


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....works ! Thanks Taifun :star_struck:

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