I have developed an app for calculating number of tile required to cover a given area. This app is useful for any repeating patters like paver blocks, wooden planks, etc. This app is also loaded with other features like Multiple tile pattern calculator, area calculation for selected geometric shapes, grout gap calculation, obstacle area calculation, tile wastage calculation, etc. User can share the results with other applications. A built-in help is also included. I request you to kindly review this app and give your valuable comments and suggestions for further improvements. You may share this with any other users. Thank you....
I didn't understand your suggestion. Can you please explain?
My app don't generate a tile design instead it calculates number of tiles required to cover an area.
Also there is an option to calculate multiple tile pattern in an area.
As, said in quote two, it don't generate tile patterns intead calculate it.
By "Price Calculator" I mean that when the user is tiling their house, they might want to calculate the amount of money needed to buy the tiles, this is a common school question with an easy answer but people like me are too lazy to calculate, so the app might see how many different types of tiles I am using, ask me the price of each type of tile and calculate the overall cost. Also, if any amount of tile is wasted, it will calculate the cost of the wasted tile...