This is why I asked how the file should be uploaded to GD.
Explain precisely what the goal / purpose of your app is.
In other words, why should the csv file be uploaded to the user's GD?
The gaol is that data of members of the club kan be exported to an external storage on the cloud or e-mailed, so that the same data can be imported in another tablet.
The will be used by different users in different clubs. So you can't anticipate on wich external storage the user will save the data. Once the data (clublijst.csv) is on the external storage, the user must download it (or store it) himself to the Download directory of the app in the other tablet, so it can be imported to the ASD of the app.
Why not just share the link / file from one google account to all other users, then every user can access the same file ?
Each club has his own file. The datafile changes.
new information, after 25 posts !!
Is it really that difficult to accurately describe the steps and purpose of the app. I had asked enough times. We are wasting a lot of time here, completely unnecessarily.
Sorry if this wasn't clear. Each club makes his own memeberslist and must have the posibility te export it to his own external storage, from where he can download it.
This can all still be stored in a folder on google drive in one google account, with correct permissions provided for all users to access (you could even do this with just one spreadsheet, with a sheet tab for each club...)
Have a good think about your methods and your workflow, then when you are ready.....
Yes ...
But how and by whom is the list drawn up? How do these people know what format this list should be generated in?
That is not the problem. In my app, the user can make the list of the members and save it in a database.
The user can't give the list a name, this does the app. Once the list is made, the user must have the posibility to import it in another tablet (with the same app installed).
In Android versions less then 29 was this no problem. Everything worked perfect.
You did not show these blocks ...
No, because this blocs are not the problem.
For us, yes, because then we would have understood earlier what this is actually about.
Then show us (all of) these blocks (and the aia) that worked perfectly with Android < 29.
I can't, There are hondreds of procedures and thousands of blocs.
This helps nothing to my problem.
I am sure that others also have the same problem. Since Android 11, I can't read a file any more from the directory Download on another tablet or phone. Compile my two aia-files and see it yourself folowing the steps I mentioned.
If you don't see a solucion for my problem, than it must stop here, I am not stupid you know.
Maybe someone else will help me.
This is no problem at all on Android 11+ (reading a text file from the Shared
folder /Download/
But this text file must have been created by the app itself.