This APK contains Java/Kotlin code

I have received from Google Play the following warnings after I uploaded my new AppInventor APP. I ignored the warnings and the roll-out was successful.
Anybody knows the answer, specially for the 2nd warning? Tks.

Hola yo tengo tambien avisos de google advertencias y errores de declaracion de permisos android y no se que hacer..lo mismo de la segunda advertencia suya no se de que se trata

Hello Both.

The first warning can be ignored.
Although it is always recommended to use best practice code and not include unused assets in your APK (keep it lean and mean), Google is simply 'advertising' their relatively new 'App Bundle' system whereby the Play Store will automatically optimise the App to suit the device the customer is downloading to. This is most pertinent for the really huge Apps that are not really App Inventor territory, but I beleive App Inventor will replace APK with App Bundle at sometime in the future - for example, when Google decide to make it mandatory :grin:

The second warning will have to be ignored.
...... Though Google make a good point.
What you have there I think is an Extension that the extension Author has obfuscated.

Thank you for your answer. I would like just to mention that I didn't use any Extension in that APP, although I used an open licence API.

We don't obfuscate any of the compiled App Inventor code, so I'm not 100% sure what Google is on about here. We've also never seen this warning when publishing the companion app, which is also built with App Inventor. I would say it's okay to ignore this warning and if we learn more we can update this thread.

What was the API Youssef?

Nothing special there, you are simply requesting/receiving data in json format, so that's a 'red herring' -no Java/Kotlin and no obfuscation. Looking more like a bug on Googles's side of things.

Thank You Chris.

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