They can't use my app, but I can. Any solution?

When sharing the app or scanning the code on another device, the bluetooth connection list appears black, any solution?
On the device where I have been testing the app, it works for me, but when I try to get them to use my app on their device, the bluetooth connection list appears black. (If they have bluetooth activated).

Newer devices with Android12 and above require asking the user for new permissions. Bluetooth_scan and bluetooth_connect. You must use the AskForPermission block from the Screen1 drawer to request these permissions.

apparently it only worked once, again I have the same problem

On which androids it works and on which it doesn't. Include brands too.

The suggestion of Patryk_F, which has been taken from Anke, was of great help for me with the same problem, but it is still not working, bacause the first permission cannot be asked when initializing Screen1, but when clicking a button, and permission cannot be expressed with a text string, but from Screen1 menu. After hours of works, I finally found the solution in the image attached. The strange thing is that the app does not notify to ask permission from the user, but automatically gives permission to connect to Bluetooth. My class was waiting for that ! I hope it will be useful also for you.

I encounter same problem that the AskForPermission function do not work if call directly in Screen.Initialized event. Then I used a clock to wait about 200ms, then call AskForPermission , this works.

If the permission is already granted, next time the app will not pop up dialogue to notify you , but grant the permission automatically.

Useful suggestion, thanks!