Thermometr and bluetooth

Hello everyone, I have such a problem, I need it when I press the button, then what temperature should be displayed in the textbox, (for example +30), first send 30 to the bluetooth client and wait 5 seconds and analyze (if the digits are -20 between 0) then send a character on bluetooth "KattySuik", (if the digits are 0 between 10) then send the symbol "Suik" on bluetooth, (if the digits 10 are between 20) then send the symbol "Jyly" on bluetooth, (if the digits are 20-40) then send the symbol on bluetooth "Ystyk"temperatura.aia (2.0 KB)

Not all phones have thermometer sensor but try this blocks and see if it works for you

What is on the other end of that bluetooth connection?
An Arduino?
Could you post the code for that?