The screen goes blank when I go from Screen2 to Screen1

When I actually start from Screen1 and go to Screen2, then back to Screen1, it works for a second or two, then says that there is an error, and then shows the background color of my screen, or even kicks me out. :pensive:

Is there a way to fix it?

It is difficult, given you are unable to upload your aia project here, or download my tested and working example aia project for testing on your system.

To upload an aia project here:

  1. In AppInventor, with you project open, click on "Projects" then click on "Export selected project (aia) to your computer"
  2. On the community, when replying to a topic, click on this button


on the toolbar, browse and find your aia file on your computer, and select it, OK.
It should then be uploaded, with a link.

To download and open an aia project from the community:

  1. Click on the project link in a topic post.
  2. This should download the aia project file to your current download directory, or ask you where to save it.
  3. In Appinventor, click on "Projects", then "Import project (aia) from your computer". This will open a dialog for you to browse your computer files for the aia file, select the one you want and click OK.
  4. The aia project will be loaded in AppInventor

Ok, thanks!