The program has stopped working, generation is not happening

Surxon_turizm.aia (4.1 MB)

Is this a Build error?

It built okay on the code server.

You stuffed your project with too many blocks to fit in the AI2 blocks editor.

Learn to import data from files, instead of wiring them in text blocks.

Sample project:

When you have too many blocks spread out over too large a surface area,
the Blocks Editor hits a complexity limit when it tries to generate a blocks.png file for the screen.

There are two main approaches to deal with this:

  • Start a Google Doc with a Table of Contents explaining your app, with sections for Design, Data, Code, including Downloaded Png images of all Events, Procedures, Globals, and with html cross-links for easy navigation. Such a doc becomes easier to read than a complete blocks image, because you have FIND, Next, PREV, back functionality, and you can add paragraphs of commentary around your code. This is my preferred life saver when doing a very large complex app. If you go this route, try to arrange your blocks geographically in a column matching the order of your Table of Contents, then do periodic Clean Up Blocks to pull them inline. This sometimes lowers the load on the Blocks Editor.
  • Reduce your block count:
    • Use parametrized procedures for common code
    • Use Media text files instead of big clumps of text blocks
    • Use generic blocks instead of repeating component event blocks
    • Encode repeating decision patterns into lookup tables loaded from Media csv text files (does your blocks image look like a box of combs?)

Thank you! May God be pleased with it :blush:

That's od, for me it didn't work however it's the same issue as here

@Nekruz_Mirzamatzoda Now it works as I just renamed all of your buttons name back to btnBack Surxon_turizm1.aia (4.1 MB)

it is impossible. thank you brother :handshake:
May God be pleased with you :palms_up_together: