The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: , [[, ]], [[, ]] Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds. appinventor

Hello everyone, I have a school project on an agenda and when searching for a contact I get the error: The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: , [[, ]], [[, ]]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds. And also when I delete the database and update it appears again as if I had not deleted it. I leave you a photo of my code. I hope you can help me and I apologize if the message is somewhat confusing. I don't speak English very well.

hola a todos tengo un proyecto de la escuela sobre una agenda y al momento de buscar algun contacto me da el error: The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: , [[, ]], [[, ]]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds. y tambien cuando borro la base de datos y actualizo vuelve a aparecer como si no la hubise borrado r les dejo una foto de mi codigo espero que me puedan ayudar.

Make sure you are selecting item from a List.

Change your block image to English please

Sure here it is

this nombre and email, which one is a list and which one is a number?

Index should be a number. and make sure the List is not empty.


I marked two bugs.

In the first bug you used the same tag twice to retrieve two different values.

In the second bug, you tried to use a list as an index.

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