I tried to display data in list view . The data is read from tinydb.Whats the issue.? Please help me.
The ListView is expecting a List of elements (items, values). So you need to extract the records of interest from TinyDb into a List, then pass the List to ListView. If the List is short, say 5-10 items, you can save it as a single record in TinyDb.
For Example:
If length_of_list smaller than zero? That should read [1], no?
You are breaking new ground here.
How do we get a list with length of list smaller than zero?
Add IOUs to an empty list?
Just a comment on someones code. m'eh?
is there an undo in Designer? I just hit the wrong key and deleted an arrangement which held 3 weeks work.... I know.... check points check points
Actually, it reads "if length of list is greater than zero"
As for your other issue, yes, reload your last aia project back up or checkpoint....
IOU 1, ABG!! Thanks!