The Listview property, elements cannot accept the value, which is read from tinydb

I tried to display data in list view . The data is read from tinydb.Whats the issue.? Please help me.

The ListView is expecting a List of elements (items, values). So you need to extract the records of interest from TinyDb into a List, then pass the List to ListView. If the List is short, say 5-10 items, you can save it as a single record in TinyDb.

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For Example:


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If length_of_list smaller than zero? That should read [1], no?

You are breaking new ground here.
How do we get a list with length of list smaller than zero?
Add IOUs to an empty list?

Just a comment on someones code. m'eh?

is there an undo in Designer? I just hit the wrong key and deleted an arrangement which held 3 weeks work.... I know.... check points check points

Actually, it reads "if length of list is greater than zero"

As for your other issue, yes, reload your last aia project back up or checkpoint....

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Thumbs Up Clipart 1305

IOU 1, ABG!! Thanks!