The link to download Appinventor Setup installer Debian package doesn't work

The link to download Appinventor Setup installer Debian package doesn't work at the page

You are correct, it does not work.

The server is up and running. Try copy and pasting the link URL into a new tab and pressing enter.

That works, but just clicking on the link does not.

Unfortunately yes, in Chromium based browsers. This is a security feature because they don't want people downloading files over HTTP when the source page was HTTPS. We need to update our URL shortner to work over HTTPS but in the meantime going directly to the URL works around the issue.

Could that note be put in the download instructions in the meanwhile?

The link doesn't work with Chrome just use Firefox and walà works :slight_smile:

No need to switch to another browser, just right click and open in new tab, the file will start downloading.

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