I have added Ullis Roboter Seite 'AI2 UDP Extension' to a project and I received the error "Unable to load extensions.java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1" when i tried to use The Companion on a simple app with only a label and the extension. When the extension was removed, it worked.
I also tried using extensions 'com.KIO4_UDP.aix' & 'p299K_UDP_v2.aia' on the examples by Juan_Antonio and also with simple apps, I got the same error message whenever the extensions where included.
I tried the Ullis example app 'UrsAI2UDPTest' with the Companion, again, with the same error.
When I built the example, and uploaded it, it performed well, but, I am still receiving the same errors whenever I try to use The Companion on the example.