The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6303871180603392_screen4 will not be saved

I made a book recommendation app, and as I was looking at it, MIT App Inventor told me to refresh due to inactivity, so I did. When the page reloaded it gave me this error: The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 6303871180603392_screen4 will not be saved.

All of the blocks were deleted from screen4 other than some useless blocks that weren't necessary to the code. Can anyone help?

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Hello 2018Rabbit,

I managed to fix your project by decompiling the project, then inspecting and editing the internal files.

The reason: Your project somehow managed to include blocks from the TaifunScreenshotService extension (which does not exist anywhere in your project) and non-existent Button2 on screen4. They caused this error and that's why the majority of your blocks weren't loaded.

I managed to remove these blocks, while keeping everything else. This project seems to be working on my side; does it work on yours?

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If you find such error in the future again, please do not hesitate to start a new thread in the Community.

Hope this helps.



Hi Gordon,

Thank you so much, it works now!

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