Today I get same problem: "The blocks area did not load properly. Changes to the blocks for screen 4570438456705024_Screen1 will not be saved." Just during some work.
Can I solve this by my self? I saw that Boban was find solution for this problem above. Or sent aia here?
Thanks for any help.
No. I installed new extensions. They have been working for a while good.
I would like too add some card properties using RecyclerList ecc.
Now I can`t delete or uninstall nothing.
Boban! Many thanks for your help. I was experiment to pass news through some cardview using google sheet in certain part of screen (in vertical arrangement) to let know about new additions but still haven`t success.
Maybe is not necessary use RecyclerList, maybe will be enough some text box. Only that listview give me possibility to show more informations.
Any way thanks for your help. Good that somebody know how to resolve such problems.