The Block Screen Slider Disappears when I Switch Screens


Will someone please tell me why I keep on losing the block screen slider when I switch from one project to another? This requires me to close the App Inventor program and re-open it. Should I be doing something to finalize a project before opening another? Thanks for any pointers.

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What happens if you click on Designer and click back on Blocks

Sorry, I just answered my own question. Moving from the block editor to the designer and back re-establishes the block screen slider.

Thanks, Ramon

You beat me to my own answer. I do have another procedural question. I tried copying my blocks as an image but it would not populate a new blocks area when dragged in.

I also clicked "copy all blocks to backpack" and, when i opened the new project to paste the backpack contents, I got the following screen. I can move to the designer screen but the only way (that I know) to clean up the blocks is to restart the App Inventor. Might you have an idea of what I am doing wrong?

Sorry, but I'm not sure what are you trying and what the problem is. If you change to other project and cannot access to the backpack, then do the same, click on Designer and back to Blocks.

When you say "clean up" the blocks, what blocks are you referring to? The ones you had previously in the project you opened? The blocks from the backpack once dragged?

OK, "Clean up the blocks" was a bad choice of words seeing as how that is a right-click drop-down command in the blocks editor. The image above shows the moment after I click onto the backpack in my new project. The shaded area completely covers my blocks screen so I cannot close the backpack by clicking outside of it. I also lose control of all of the block functions - trashcan, zoom, slider, A horizontal slider appears below but doesn't move the workspace contents.

In a "normal" backpack data transfer, I would click on the backpack and be able to select one or more of the blocks contained in it to be moved onto the workspace. I would also be able to click outside of the backpack contents to close the backpack.

It seems like the backpack contents are spilling out over all workspace area.

News Flash! Even though the backpack is "grayed-out," it can still be clicked. Clicking it removes the gray projected area and reveals the transferred blocks. I seem to have better success transferring blocks to and from the backpack using the dropdown menu. Clicking onto the backpack when it has content seems to get pretty squirrely. I am still learning the (undocumented?) peculiarities of this system. Thank you for all of your help and talking me off of the ledge.

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Usually when this happens there is a stack of blocks in the backpack that is so horizontally large it makes the flyout larger than the host workspace. You can use the zoom out button first to make the workspace smaller, which should hopefully allow you to see the blocks in the backpack more effectively. At this point, you should be able to scroll down to find the set of blocks that are causing it to take up so much space, right click on them, and select "Remove from backpack" if they are no longer needed.
to get a downloaded png file

Sample drag into Blocks Editor:
Dragging blocks

Wow, thanks! I had not considered that zooming out might handle this.

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