The app cannot be installed

I built the app I made with App Inventor into an APK and installed it on my smartphone, but the app is not installed with a warning that it cannot be installed. What's wrong?
AIA : QR_Code_Scanner (1).aia (2.8 MB)

Compiled and installed OK for me here. Try compiling again after a restart of your browser.

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The same phenomenon occurs when you restart your browser and build it. What should I do?

Sometimes, that happens to me when the app I'm trying to install is already installed onto my
phone. Try uninstalling the app if you've already installed it.

I was able to install the app successfully, as well.

It was solved thanks to you. thank you!

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How was it resolved? Did you have to uninstall the app first?
This should actually not be necessary.

Then, how did this problem get solved? The problem was solved immediately after I deleted the existing app. This problem was neither a component problem nor a coding mistake.

after uninstalling the app?

Yes. I build the app after uninstalling the app.

Did you change the version code?

Yes. 4 to 5

Then there shouldn't be a problem.

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I see. Thank you for your time. The problem is solved now!

and thanks for telling us that the app was already installed on your device :slight_smile:

If the problem persists that the app will not be updated if it was previously installed, the same problem should arise when trying to update the app via the Play Store.

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I don't know why, but this happens to me as well. The thing is, it occurs only for a select few apps.

Me too. When installing the app for the advertisement display test, the same app was already installed, but there was no error.

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But the problem was solved, and I successfully built the app and released it on Google Play.

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