I'm trying to create a new release on google play console
When uploading, I got this error:
Your Android App Bundle was signed with the wrong key. Make sure your app bundle is signed with the correct key and try again. The app bundle you uploaded should normally be signed with the certificate associated with the thumbprint
Build the APK on the test server and try to update your app built with AI2 on your test device.
If this does not work, you did something wrong (when you exported/imported the keystore).
Thanks for your help ! The installation works on the device,
But when I try to export the release to Google Play Console, I get the same error.
The certificate associated with the thumbprint changes, but the key does not
Your Android App Bundle was signed with the wrong key. Make sure your app bundle is signed with the correct key and try again. The app bundle you uploaded should normally be signed with the certificate associated with the thumbprint
Download the default APK from the Google Play Developer console and try to install (update) this APK on your text device. This shouldn't work. That means your app uploaded to the Play Developer console will use a different keystore. (Wherever that keystore came from.)
No Anke, please! it's my first app and i'm trying to send it on Google Play Store.
In the process, i should post a release before. I haven't uploaded any apk to google Play Developer console yet.
When i try to send the release, i get this signature error.
Is there any way to remove something and restart?
Thanks !
Has the app already been published in the Play store? In other words, is it an update?
If not:
Change the current project name (from e.g. "myApp".aia to "my_app".aia).
Make a backup of the keystore on the AI2 test server and store it in a safe place (on your PC and / or external SD card). (Note: If you haven't created any other apps here yet and published them to the Play Store, you can skip this step!)
Delete the keystore and reload the browser.
Create the AAB on the test server.
Create a new app in the Play Developer console.
Upload the AAB to the Play Developer console.
If you don't use any (critical) extensions, everything should work fine now.
Otherwise post a screenshot of the error message.