When building the APK for my project I get the following error. Can someone help?
Build failed! Reflecting exception for userid b1aaaf07-3108-4626-a35c-f013465ae706 projectId 6345600376111104, original exception com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy$CancelledException: The API call urlfetch.Fetch() was explicitly cancelled.
Hi, when I'm trying to save to my computer, nothing happens. I can't build the APK nor the Bundle.
But when I connect the app to the MIT AI2 Companion App it works fine to test it.
Now I want to generate the APK to install it in a cell phone.
I created an APK on Feb-18, it went well and I could install it. I made some changes to layouts, text size and position, that was it, then the error started to appear...
I restarted my computer, reopened my project and tried to build again, this is the error I'm getting
Build failed! Reflecting exception for userid b1aaaf07-3108-4626-a35c-f013465ae706 projectId 6345600376111104, original exception java.lang.RuntimeException: com.google.appengine.tools.cloudstorage.SimpleGcsInputChannelImpl$1@33c14581: Unexpected cause of ExecutionException
HI, I'm not using extensions.
The assets I have weight a little over 9Mb, but I have 400 images 150 px by 150 px in size, and other 400 images that range between 40 px 140 px width but the height is 40 px, this is because I cannot write text with special accents and underlined, so I captured small images. And I have 400 audio files that range from half a second to 1.5 seconds.
I have 10 screens and 20 Vertical Arrangements.
the blocks I have are close to 500.
Maybe I need to split the app in two parts, it shows a word in Spanish, under it an image of that word, and under that image it displays how it is written in Chichimeca Jonaz, when you click on the word image it reproduces the pronounciation.
I understand that, but the project is not saved, nothing happens, the build throws the error I'm reporting, and when I click on the option to save tha aia project to my computer nothing happens, no error, no warning, no saving, it is just not working...
well from the back up file of kenguwa(6).aia or kenguwa(7).aia possible to upload? you need to upload it in google drive and make it sharable inorder to access it. MIT will not accept that much size attachment
The problem is that those versions work well, what is not working ok is with the new changes, I need help with the finished app, not the previous files...