Text message can't be send

Hi friends I'm trying to send text message to my phone number after going through what has been discussed on this platform earlier i still cannot send the text massage direct to my phone

Which Android device and Android version are you using for your tests?
Which companion app version are you using?
Did you grant permission?
Did you test after building?

Please elaborate, what exactly happens?


  1. companion version is 2.70u
  2. yes i granted permission
  3. it in test face that i cannot send the massage


  1. I'm using Nakia g21 with android 13
  2. i have not build the app yet I want test it with companion first

Let me suggest you to do a test with the apk file

Take a screenshot like this:


and try to download Companion from here:


and not from the Play Store.

Because some permissions are not allowed in the Play Store.