Testing Text Message receive, what am I missing?

This is a simple test of text message reception that doesn't seem to work.
The Android 13 phone with this app displays the incoming message on the default app, but this app never responds. I'm very new to MIT AI.

How can one know what aspect of this app is failing?
Does the Texting block require the ReceivingEnabled->ReceivingState addition?
Is this a phone permissions issue?

Not sure if the Emulator would help with this test, but two dialogs appear "The aiStarter helper does not appear to be running" and "Unable to retrieve the version of aiStarter on my PC..."




Yes, but not in that event, because there it would be too late
Set it in the Screen.Initialize event

And to start your app from the background when a message has been received, you might be interested in


Thanks Tim.

Not receiving anything with this either.
(I did test text Send and its working perfect, if that's relevant)

But this app does work for me...
It has an 'initialize global [msg] to: create empty list.

How did you set ReceivingEnabled and where?


I have not set ReceivingEnabled on my present test shown here(it works):

I'm just needing to fill two text boxes(later two variables) with each newly received number and message, to pass to an Arduino. So I'm going to convert this list to two text boxes. Then each new incoming message will over-write the previous.

In this case the default will be used... unfortunately the documentation Social does not tell us, which value is the default...
It would be wise to set it to the corresponding value...

If set to 1 (OFF) no messages will be received. If set to 2 (FOREGROUND) or 3 (ALWAYS) the component will respond to messages if it is running. In the case of 2 (FOREGROUND), messages received while the app is not running are discarded. In the case of 3 (ALWAYS), messages receive while the app is not running will show a notification. Selecting the notification will bring up the app and signal the MessageReceived event. Messages received when the app is dormant will be queued, and so several MessageReceived events might appear when the app awakens. As an app developer, it would be a good idea to give your users control over this property, so they can make their phones ignore text messages when your app is installed.


It looks like you want this to always work... set ReceivingEnabled to Always in the Screen Initialize event then

In case your app is not running, a notification then should be displayed, see the documentation


This works, thanks all. Thick skull pernitrated.

These are the same blocks as you used in the first post of this thread... the only difference is, now you use a number instead of the helper block, but actually this does not make any difference


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