Tengo un problema con la descarga de APK y codigo QR

ayudaaa necesito entregar este trabajo a las 8 pm

Welcome Jesus.

Your error is aaptError

The error is with a Block Pelota1.EdgeReached. You might try deleting the Block and then try again to compile. Another possibility is your Ninoguno... Icon might have issues. You could temporarily remove that Icon and see if your app compiles with the default icon.

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no se muy bien como moverle a la ap´licacion no se si sea ´posible de su ayuda especificacndolo mas

Hello Jesus

In the Blocks work Area, bottom left-hand corner:


You need to fix these warnings. SteveJG has identified that you have two blocks with the same name 'Block Pelota1.EdgeReached' - one of them will be correct, the other is either an accidental duplicate (empty Block) or should have a different name.

SteveJG has also told you that your App Launch Icon may cause issues - for now, either reduce its size to 96 x 96 pixels or simply un-select it in the Designer palette, which will then make the Project use the default App Inventor icon (just for now).

There are all sorts of things that can make a build fail - here is my check list:
https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsApk Cannot Build/Install/Run APK

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