Temporarily remove or just hide an item in a list

I have this blocks below, it let me remove the item in which index number 13 is equals to "Does not need fertilizer", it works, for example I have 5 plants, it remove the plant1 on the list as its index number 13 is equals to "Does not need fertilizer", then it will output the plant2 to plant5 but everytime I select plant2 it output the plant1 data, and when I select plant3 it will output the plant2 data and so on, it does not output the exact data, it still output the plant1 data eventhough its not on the list. Hope someone understood what I'm trying to say. ^^"

I suggest using temporary lists with partial extracts from your original table, using the techniques in this sample app and doc:

If you find you are hard coding your data values into IF/THEN block tests, you are doing it wrong.

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I still can't understand how I'm going to use the for each item in my blocks.