Télechargement APK

Comment faire pour que l'utilisateur puisse télécharger à partir de son application un nouveau fichier APK se trouvant sure un serveur si l'on a fait une mise à jour?

You should give the updated APK to the users once again.

Another Way

You can also publish your app in Google Play. :wink:


If the App is distributed via Google Play Store, you just need to upload the latest version to the Store. If the App is downloaded from your own Server, the App will need to check for updates. You can use the Web component Get Block to do that.

How can we do that?

There are many ways of course but a simple method is to include the version string in the web page title (page the update would be downloaded from).


In the Blocks above, '7' is the length of <title> and '4' is the length of the version text, 'v202' in this example.
