I'm a teacher and I'm going to be demo MIT App Inventor on Wednesday. It will not let me UPDATE. It wants me to sign in to Amazon. My personal account was not recognized as a developer, so I made a 'new' account attached to my school email and it still does not see me as a developer to do UPDATE for the demo.
Help anyone. Thx!
If memory serves, when you choose the "Login as a Teacher" you are opting to not use the anonymous account option. In most cases if you don't want to jump through the hoops of setting up an Alexa Developer account it is easier to use the "Login as a Student" option. The main difference is that student accounts cannot use their skills with a real Alexa device (this requires the full-fledged Alexa develoepr account).
Actually, there is another thing you can test as well. If you've logged in using the teacher option and also have an Alexa developer account logged in, then there is an account switcher under the user name in the top right of the App Inventor window. This list is populated by a query to Alexa and the "anonymous" option shows as your email address you use in the teacher portal (see screenshot).