Teachable Machine y MIT App Inventor


Tengo un modelo de clasificación de enfermedades a la piel realizado en Teachable Machine y quiero utilizarlo en MIT App Inventor¿Como podría realizar esto?

Saludos y muchas gracias

Hello Cristian and welcome to the Forum.

Your best approach would be to first invest a day doing the free MIT App Inventor Tutorials.

Linked on my website (along with lots of other App Inventor information)

Welcome Christian.

What the App Inventor community knows about using Teachable Machine is in the links https://community.appinventor.mit.edu/search?q=teachable%20machine

The links may help you use Teachable Machine with App Inventor. Have you tried any of the ideas?

At the moment this is not possible with base App Inventor. We are exploring implementing a Teachable Machine extension that would enable this. There is also an outstanding PR that will add support for using camera as part of the built-in WebViewer component, which would allow you to use the teachable machine website in your app.

If you really want to realize this quickly, your best bet might be to use one of the webviewer extensions that add more functionality beyond what the base webviewer provides. If those support using the camera, you likely can use your teachable machine model through the extension.

Thank you for you response

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