If anybody could be kindly help me about my problem. I'm not really a coder I'm just starting to study this MIT App Inventor. I'm developing my own app with audio. some kind of audiobook app. I tried the TAIFUNPLAYER and its working perfectly in my app but for only 1 audio. I'd like to add several audio in my app so as 2 additional bottons for my player which is the << (Back) and (Next) >> Bottons. Can somebody help me how to do it in TAIFUNPlayer is it possible?
I've tried it also. but my concern is in a single screen i'd like to play several mp3's once I tap the play button it will play several mp3's more like a playlist. for example
0) Buttons for playing are, (BACK)(PLAY)(PAUSE)(STOP)(FORWARD)
If I hit the (PLAY) button 1.mp3 will play then after 1.mp3, 2.mp3 will follow and so on.
Let say im currently playing on 3.mp3 then if I press the (BACK) button it will automatically play 2.mp3 and Same with if I press (FORWARD) it will automatically play 4.mp3.