Taifun Speech Recognizer extension: how to use it without google dialog

Hello. I use Taifun Speech Recognizer extension because there are so many language option that I can used. Awesome! I can’t use standard recognizer because there is no option for my target language. However, I don’t know how to use Taifun Speech Recognizer without bringing up google dialog. How to solve this problem? Thanks.

We have to wait for Taifun to update the extension, if he intends to.

… it would be great if the App Inventor version supported multiple languages.

it is not possible with the extension

The speech recognizer component and also this extension use the Recognizer Intent class and that class unfortunately does not offer that functionality.

But you could try the Voice Recognition Extension without Google Dialogue by ScorpioNormal


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Yes it would be great

Unfortunately I’ve tried to use extension by ScorpioNormal also but I think can’t use chinese language