Why do you stop and start with same click..? May be you need to give some interval of time between this two events
BTW, what is your android version?
If it is 10+ then you must move the file into ASD
i have android 12.
sorry but, wath's ASD ?
sorry, ASD it's for SDcard ?
already multiple discussions are there regaring how to access storage in android 10+ by @Taifun @Anke etc etc pls gothrough the forum,
Post the full path (Player.Souce).
Btw, remove one slash /
i removed one "/"
My full path is : file:///storage/emulated/0/Music/Star Wars/Punk Covers - Star Wars.mp3
but, i have same error
Are you absolutely sure this path exists?
If so, does the audio file play, when you try to play it on your device?
Replace the spaces by %20
See also the Jukebox example here App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps
i tried with no space in path : file:///storage/emulated/0/Music/StarWars/PunkCovers-StarWars.mp3
i have the firts message "Runtime Error"
use File component to test if the MP3 file exists.
And ask read External Storage permission.
As test rename the file to something simple...
This path works on all Android versions if the file exists.
Take a screenshot from your device that shows this path.
Note: If you test with the APK, you must request READ permission.
i had the ReadExternalStorage
and my code is working
sorry, my bad, rookie mistake
thanks at all
-- issue solved --
what about the spaces in the filename?
it also works with spaces