Tableview extension only display data after I click button 2 times


Thanks to TIMAI2 I was introduced to the Tableview extension. Brilliant extension and got it working but for some reason, the table only display the result after I click the button 2 times.
Here's a snippet of my simple code. (note: this app has multiple screen, as soon as select an option in the main screen, it takes me into the following screeen when I see a button to show my tableview results:

I then click the button to show the tableview result, and it shows the following:

I have to click the button again to get to the following result:

I can't find any properties option that may be related to this, anyone else have the same issue?

Thanks again for taking time reviewing.

Mr Hope

There have been others who have done this. You have to follow the event processing trail, the values in global table are only available once the GotText event has run.

Move your set TableView datastring and Tableview buildTable blocks out of the button click event and into theWeb1,GotText event, after the set global Table.




You also need to convert your "AI2 list as a string" to a csv table, and also use the text replace block to remove all the double quotes " from the table, for better presentation of data.

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Thanks @dora_paz!

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Thanks a lot again @TIMAI2 for picking that up, I was wondering how to fix the bad presentation too, you have helped me hit 2 birds with one stone.

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