TableArrangement Column Add Issue

I have a table of 4 columns and 5 rows. After I defined my table fields, I realized I needed another column: Key.
Upon changing columns in TableArrangement to 5, its content definitions ends up at the very end of the TableArrangement section, instead of in sequence with each row.
Is there a way to place these in the desired location at the end of each row, instead of all listed at the end ?

Here is pic to explain what I mean:
Original table did not include KEY column. When added, its defs go to the bottom of the TableArrangement section.

My table:

Table elements:


We generally do not recommend the use of a Table Arrangement, it can be buggy, although it can work.

Create your layout instead using vertical and horizontal arrangements, a bit more work, but then you have full control.

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I understand the point. Nevertheless, the question is not answered.
I wanted to know if it is possible to achieve the correct placement through some manipulation; or is the Table Arrangement component not functioning properly?

As a test, I tried making a copy off the AIA file and then modified the screen1.scm json layout file to reflect what I wanted. However, this did not result in a loadable file.

MIT thinks it works.

We still get broken ones.

You can change the row and column count in the Designer (if I remember correctly) and check if the extra slots appear.

The component tree won't show them in row and column order, most likely.

Another reason to avoid it.

Also, will your table row count vary?

the answer is there: do not use table arrangement.

you can use a horizontal arrangement, put labels and checkboxs in it, then copy and paste it to make a new row.

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The component tree won't show them in row and column order, most likely.

Also, will your table row count vary?
Eventually it may. But since the row component placement is not ideal, I am switching to the vert/hor layout format.

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