Switch no me funciona

hola en realidad no tengo una idea de como se hace para que el switch haga una accion cuando se active y que haga otra cuando se desactive. por favor si alguien sabe como hacerlo me podria ayudar?

for example like this
remember to hover with the mouse over the blocks to get a short description


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Hi all
How do I turn the switch ON without clicking it, just programming it.

Hola a todos
como hago para volver el switch a ON sin clickearlo, solo programandolo.

Hello Leandro.
Try switchOn in an Event Handler enabled component.

then use the Changed block as shown in post #2 to do something

Please read the Switch documentation.

Hi Steve, I already read the tutorial on the switch component and read the previous posts. My query is how can I make the switch to turn ON or OFF on the phone's display, because when I visually control something else I keep the switch, suppose it is ON by default. I don't know if I was clear. Thanks

Sorry, still not clear Leandro.

Perhaps this Switch