Student Password Issue

We're using (MIT App Inventor Login) to log in (Google logins are blocked).

My student is getting an invalid password message, but when he clicks the link to reset the password, he does not get the email. There is nothing in his junk mail folder.


There is an alternative way to access AI2 without a Google login.

Use with a re-visit code.
Don't lose it, or you will lose access to your projects.
Don't share the revisit code with others, or they may delete your work.

He's already done most of the assigned projects logging in with his school email. He needs to be able to access his prior work.

Is the email on the school system too? The email is possibly being blocked - hopefully you have an IT person that can help with that regard.

Any luck?

I put in a help ticket, but lord knows how long until I get a reply. (I also emailed the head of the department asking for a quick check.)

OTOH, I clicked the link and received the email immediately.