I have been trying to split a string, received from BluetoothLE, into four individual values to show on the app screen in realtime. The string has the following fomat ["0.57;0.32;4.35;0.44;"]. The prompt from the app is 'List index too large' (REF. IMAGE A & 5a). However, if I input the string ["1.11;2.22;3.33;4.44;"] (REF. IMAGE B & 5b) as a text block by myself, the split block and hence the app are working fine. These are actually four pressure values printed on the arduino nano's serial monitor.
Please guide me how to split a string received from BluetoothLE and show it on the app screen in realtime. Thanks a lot.
My app block, arduino code and reference images are attached.

TestProject (1).aia (3.0 MB)
TestProject.ino (9.0 KB)