Strange numbers in firebase storage

I have made a firebase and i want to store data there. I have tried before that starnge / and [ come into the data lists. Data comes from a tiny db from another screen. It looks like this when i see it now and it is not readable when i want to get the data. I have tried running it through a variable and a label but no help. Any suggestions to improve the problem?

["Cilodex","3+1 mg/ml","øredråber","5 ml","10","["Kalundborg Svane Apotek", "Elmegade ", "4400", "Kalundborg ", "15"]","","06-09-2023 20:55:25 ","false"]


You need to show how you are storing the data to Firebase, and how you are retrieving it?

It looks like it is coming back as some form of list of lists, but may need decoding to an AI2 list ?

AppInventor should handle any numbers that are in double quotes.

You were right. One of the parameters were a list and hereby obsatructed the data. Thanks.

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