Strange change from string to boolean when going from mit app inventor to firebase and back

Is "global name19" a list ?
What is the structure of that list ?
Is index 9 of the list global name19 either true or false or something else ?
Have you tested the condition select list item global name19, index 9 = true/false/something else?

global 19 is a list from firebase.

["Cilodex","3+1 mg/ml","øredråber","5 ml","10","Rønne Apotek","j************","03-06-2023 09:38:02 ","false"]

It is true,false and nothing. The block works fine when not in the procedure. I am not sure what you mean with another condition. The block need to change the colour and this doesnot happen no matter which colour or line. I understand you that you suggest i change the whole block to make a working procedure.

Have you tested this


Hmmm, I believe you may need to use the component block and anymarker block to make this work

yes this one does not work either.

blocks (40)

Try like this


i have tried most things but i cant find the set marker fill colour of component function. Where can i find it?

Any components blocks, at the bottom of the palette on the left of the blocks editor

I have never seen those blocks before. The small block works fine, but the big one still have issues when in a procedure. Thank you very much for the help.

What is the "clock" procedure you use in the big one, and what are the values there ?


Again, you need to simplify and test each section before applying it.

it already has been mentioned several times to use useful variable names to make your life easier and of those who are trying to help...

so what about renaming name19 to listMedicament or anything what describes the content of that list?
same for your other variables.... there also is much redundancy...
for example your gronrod procedure takes 4 input parameter, 2 of them are always the same... global name19 and global name17... and name17 internally is named empty_list... so name17 is always an empty list? in this case what about using the create empty list block for that? no need to pass a variable...


Thanks for the comments.

I use the name global+numbers fo keep track of the progress. It works for me. The medical lists will just be the same with a number because it is the same all the time.
I have an empty list and it was make an empty list in my first build, but with the problems and bug hunting i checked if the make empty list might have been the problem. The variabel 19 the same is the data recieved from firebase and i thought the reason might be interpretation from the firebase and a variabel as in the tag list recieved function might work. This however did not remove the bugs. I am trying to make the big procedure, but as it is working outside and smaller versions are ok i need to move on. The deadline is friday in next week and even though this is only a protype i need a bit of time to make it looke professionel.

The clock procedure is the one you helped me find last with a duration calculation to find the last update of the database.

I have done that extensively, but every time i put too much together the calculations are wrong.

taglist wont work without transferring value data to variabel and then using variabel for the call function

Good luck!

Part of a professional look is to use naming conventions... to have variable names like name1, name2 etc is everything else as professional...
Help your future self to still understand your project in a few weeks...


use Do it to debug your blocks, see also tip 4 here App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps
see also Live Development, Testing, and Debugging Tools

Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Rather than using the variable name name, a better name of that variable could be tagList...


well the value list inside a firebase got.value works fine. the taglist doesnt. not logical but what is logical in the world at the moment.

What projectBucket are you calling for the taglist ? Are there definitely tags below it ?

yes the project bucket is right and working when the block is outside the procedure. I have just tested the free block with more markers and all is good. It will do for now, but on the long run i must have a procedure.