In the firebase the data looks like this
["Cilodex","3+1 mg/ml","øredråber","5 ml","10","Rønne Apotek","''''''''''''","02-06-2023 15:58:11 ","true"]
However the marker fill color do not work and the color does not change. Second it is really strange how the string "true" goes to firebase as "true", but is read on the return as a bolean true. Any suggestions to help me.
It is how the AI2 firebase component works, because you have the data in a list. When the list is returned and you extract the boolean, there are no quotes, therefore AI2 sees it as a boolean and not a string.
But it is very simple I see label 4 fire and hereby should marker 1 also change colour to green, but nothing happens. Look at the marker fill colour function.
You have five or six variables, lists, an "interesting" clock procedure, you do not provide any detail/data for these in your enquiry. How are we supposed to know?
As suggested, break it down, do each part separately until the whole works together.
I suspekt there is a problem with firebase in procedures. I have used it without problems, but this time even simple if the blocks seized working. The attached transfer to procedure is not working, but outside the procedure it works fine. I dont see any reason for this in the coding. Do you?
Dont mind the marker 2 function.
I dont think you have been following my project. I ahve a database with thousends of combinations. The numbered variables are to keep track of them. And compared to the database the variables are kept low. A dictionary is a small database as far as i now. Lists are used ekstensively.
ok very simple one. What is wrong with turning the simple blok into at procedure. It will not do the task of changing the color of the marker. The one you call complex earlier is the same problem just a smaller block.
Is "global name19" a list ?
What is the structure of that list ?
Is index 9 of the list global name19 either true or false or something else ?
Have you tested the condition select list item global name19, index 9 = true/false/something else?
It is true,false and nothing. The block works fine when not in the procedure. I am not sure what you mean with another condition. The block need to change the colour and this doesnot happen no matter which colour or line. I understand you that you suggest i change the whole block to make a working procedure.