I tried using it but it comes out as an error like so
I'm trying to upload an image into the app for the patients profile picture, and then after clicking the register patient button, save both on the list and into the Firebase
I have never seen the path/directory Phone Storage before. if it does exist the fact that there is a space in the directory name is most probably causing the problem.
Android OS is essentially a linux framework, therefore spaces in directory and filenames should be avoided.
Phone storage means that the storage I'm taking is not in the SD card but unto the phone itself since the phone has its own storage, like in case you dont have an SD card on your device, so you use the Phone's storage itself to store stuff. This is getting a bit confusing for me to be honest. Do you have an example I can draw upon? preferably where the user picks an image wherever? SD or Phone Storage and then stores it in Firebase and be able to get it back? If not... maybe I'll just stick to TinyDB for the Image only instead
Sorry but that is the path I copied when I looked over the details of my pictures when getting its path. Could I instead modify the path to resemble the absolute path?