Stop the clock when receiving data

Hello, I am new to using App Inventor. I would like to know if it is possible to pause the timer when a certain action is executed within it, as well as when a button is clicked to stop the timer. Thank you.

Set Clock.TimerEnabled to false

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Hello, I am new to using App Inventor. I would like to know if it is possible to pause the timer when a certain action is executed within it, as well as when a button is clicked to stop the timer. Thank you.

As already suggested arlier

In your case

If (your condition)
Then set Reloj2.TimerEnabled to false
