Stop phone call

It's possible to MakePhoneCallDirect()
but is it possible to accept an incoming call and stops it ?

Here is version 2 adding in-call volume control
JmlPhoneCall.txt (4,2 Ko)
JmlPhoneCall.aix (7,4 Ko)
Telephone.aia (9,5 Ko)

see the available methods here Social

as you can see, there is no such method available

you probably could write your own extension and create the functionality yourself...
more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.


This may help you :

I'm surprise: AI is done to program on phones, and there is no blocks to control basic phoning functions !

What do you mean

No No. it is not a basic phone operation. :neutral_face:

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AI is made to program Android which is the main phone OS it seems we forgot that smartphone is first a phone...

yes , i had a look on several forum and it seems you 're rigth... :frowning_face:

I think it is possible, but App Inventor does not give us such a possibility in 'Palette' with blocks. In order not to limit us only to existing blocks in 'Designer', we can add extensions to our projects there:

You can use an extension shared by other people (you'll need to put some initiative to find the extension), or you can create your own on this website:
But as Taifun wrote

But on another subject, you can to find the extensions as:

Have fun using the app


I'm surprised that in the AI component PhoneCall there is a method to make a call but none to end it. It sounds incomplete.
I am also surprised that in AI components there is no component or method to check the Contacts list / Phone book of the smartphone if there is a specific number in it for example to create an antispam app that is able to check all the numbers and end the call automatically if no corresponding number of the current caller is found into the phone book of the phone. To fight uprising spammers and robocalls this should be the ultimate app to stop them all at once with no more struggle: only authorized call in fact sill make the phone ring this way.

Hello bianca_fenice
since i open this topic, i wrote a small extension to accept a ringing call and to stop/reject a call.

I didn't succed to read the phone number of an incoming call.
maybe this small extension will help you (you need ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS permission)

JmlPhoneCall.aix (6,1 Ko)

and source:
JmlPhoneCall.txt (2,9 Ko)

and testing aia
Telephone.aia (7,2 Ko)

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@jean-marc_Latour with respect to reading the phone number of an incoming call the following might help concerning Android 7+ devices

Hi jean,

I tried your extension but it is not working for me. Could you please send me your aia file which is working for you for aceepting and rejecting the phone calls.

I am sending my aia file. From my arduino i am sending ACCEPT and REJECT to STATUS variable in app
Prerana_final.aia (49.8 KB)
based on sensor data.


Hi prerana

Yes of course.this is my aia.
Telephone.aia (7,2 Ko)

you need ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS permission.
I hope it will help...

Telephone_Integrated.aia (8.8 KB)

Hello Jean,

When I am trying to integrate my logic blocks to your aia file. It is not working even your functionality also doesn't work.

Could you please guide me what is the wrong in my implementation.

do you mean my aia doesn't works on your phone ?

Hello Jean,

I tried your aia it is working fine.

When I was integrating my application blocks in your aia file, but at the same time i was disabling your some of the block that's the reason it was not working. your functionality was also not working like clicking the ACCEPT and REJECT button.

Now it is working fine with IR sensor input. I could able to pick the call and reject the call based on sensor data. and I could see the incoming call also when it is calling.

your extension really worked for me.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Happy to know it. :wink: :+1:

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