StartDelay - Configure multiple events with different delay times in a single action.

Configure multiple events with different delay times in a single action.

When you play the guitar C Chordone sound starts before another.
With this extension you can make it sound like this.


blocks (98)

Sets the delay in milliseconds.


Enables or disables the timer.

  • true to enable it, false to disable it.


blocks (100)

Starts the timer.


Event is triggered when the timer expires.

GuitarSynthesis.aia (29.1 KB)

joejsanz.joedevstartdelay.aix (5.9 KB)

minSdk: 21
maxSdk: 34
JDK: 11

Created with Fast. v2.3.0



Is this really just a wrapper for a clock timer ?

In essence, yes.

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We are getting close to "writing music", but perhaps using a timer will get complicated....Maybe silent sounds of different lengths to go either before or after the note ?

  • actual note frequency
  • actual note length
  • silence note
  • silence length
  • repeat for next actual note


or join the actual note and the silence note together ?

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Silence tone is interesting, I'll take a look at it.

I left out amplitude (volume)

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I've done the silence note on startup thing and it's great, similar to how I implemented it with the timer but better, thanks Tim.

  • I'll look into the Volume Amplitude thing when I get back to the computer.

I have a question, what do you mean by this?

Just when writing more than one note, to move onto the next note using the same approach.

Interested if possible to have all these parameters in one block ...

 -- frequency (Hz)
 -- duration (ms)
 -- volume (0-100)
[ -- silence (ms) ] - optional ?

One could always make a silence by setting Tone volume to 0

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