Spinner - rounded corners, the arrow dissapears

I 'm using [this extension (makeUpView)]) to make rounded corners of a spinner. EDIT: ext. removed.
The problem is that the little arrow of the spinner disappears!

If you disable the last 2 blocks, the arrow in the spinner will be visible again!


Is the some way fot the arrow to remain visible?
Maybe some other extension?

Inventory_1_7_test_5.aia (85.0 KB)

You could try using

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I tried it, it also removes the arrow!

Inventory_1_7_test_5_1.aia (102.2 KB)

Try this

Inventory_1_7_test_5_revised.aia (85.9 KB)

I added a couple of buttons and an html entity of an arrow to replicate the spinner



Or by still using the spinner just adding a arrangement as a container for spinner and changing the Theme to dark..

Inventory_1_7_test_5_2.aia (102.3 KB)


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