I am new to the application and I am trying to program something but I am unable to do it.
I basically have two spinners. One has 3 options and the other 5. I want that when in the first spinner I put, for example, "22-32" and in the other "Escolta", there will be a new screen with a text. And let this be repeated with the 15 possibilities.
Right now i don't have any block I have to start programming. The text i will put later.
I just want that when I select two options, personalized texts appear depending on the option. I would put the text in the programming according to the variables
I want that if, for example, in the first spinner you select "22-32" and in the second spinner you select "base", the following appears in the text block (It is in Spanish):
Base 60-75kg 1,75-8m -21 anys
3 clares d'ou remenades amb espinacs i tomĂ quet
1 tassa d'avena cuita amb trossos de fruita (plĂ tan, maduixes, etc.)
1 got de llet descremada o alternativa vegetal
EntrepĂ del matĂ:
1 iogurt grec baix en greix amb un grapat d'ametlles o nous
150-200 g de pit de pollastre a la planxa o peix al forn
1 tassa de quinoa o arròs integral
Verdures al vapor o en amanida (espinacs, bròquil, pastanaga, etc.)
Batut de proteĂŻnes amb llet descremada, plĂ tan i una cullerada de mantega de cacauet
SalmĂł al forn o tofu a la planxa
Amanida mixta amb verdures variades i amaniment lleuger
1 patata dolça al forn
Abans d'anar a dormir:
1 got de llet descremada o un iogurt baix en greix
Nota: Assegura't de mantenir una hidrataciĂł adequada durant tot el dia, bevent almenys 2 litres d'aigua.
First, set the options to the spinners (property elements of the spinners. It must be a list).
Then, in afterSelectin event of the spinner check if the other spinner is already selected, if so, then check both selections to do whatever you want.