Spectrogram - Frequency data bars, display in real time.


Based on the audio input captured by the device's microphone.



  • arrangement: Where the spectrogram will be drawn.

component_method (46)


This function activates the microphone and calculates the frequency data to draw the bars on the screen and display it in real time

component_method (47)


Stops the audio capture and the display of the spectrogram. Frees the resources associated with recording audio.

component_method (48)


Sets the colors for the bars of the spectrogram.

  • startColor: Initial color of the bars.
  • endColor: End color of the bars.
    (built-in colors or ARGB).


Changes the background color of the spectrogram.

  • color: The color (built-in colors or ARGB).


Defines the frequency range to be displayed in the spectrogram.

  • minFreq: Minimum frequency to display (in Hz). Default value: 0 Hz.
  • maxFreq: Maximum frequency to display (in Hz). Default value: 10,000 Hz.
    Maximum value 20,000 Hz

joejsanz.joedevspectrogram.aix (10.5 KB)



An excellent work once again :clap:

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Thanks a lot Jewel :grin:

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Your colour blocks should be settable using the built-in colour blocks...

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I forgot to put that, but the blocks do accept built-in colors, in fact they do not accept hexadecimal, that failed me, but hexadecimal is not necessary right now, I will correct what I wrote.

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I got this problem when I tried the companion, is there any solve?

Companion is having issues, you'll need to try this:

Or you can install your project's app to test it.

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