Specify different color for the current day only in day list items!

What a professional expert
That's so perfect man :clap: :clap: :clap:

That encourages me then to seek your advice and help in the whole project then
Please have a look to the pictures attached as well as the aia file to finalise the challenge

I aim to add 3 more columns (lables) along with the day lable (br stands for breakfast, lun stands for lunch, din stands for dinner)
I uploaded a csv file that feeds that information(I will fill the meals later)
and then highlight (change the colours) for the whole row according to two factors
the current date
and (optional) the upcoming meal based in the time from/to
for instance if the time is between 7am to 10 the up should highlight breakfast record
and so on

changeColour3Labels_3Columns.aia (5.8 KB) diet.csv (695 Bytes)

I want it to look like that

I will really be too much grateful and thankful for your help
Greatly appreciated in advance

:pray: :pray: :pray:

As you continue to expand your requirements.....I believe there is a better way to do this. Have a look at @Ken 's TableView extension

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Get's you most of the way there:

not able to set the colour of a specific cell, unless @Ken is in the mood to create a module to do that....

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I can't find enough word to thank you :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
But I really appreciate your help and effort
That's really fantastic

you have even widen my mind to think about other things that I have never heard about
extensions !!!

Would you please complete your generosity by sending me the aia file of the above beautiful blocks ?


tableViewDateColour.aia (25.2 KB)

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Great job and appreciated help thank you so much

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