Sound component missing from pallet?

The sound component in the block pallet has disappeared. I have the player component but not the sound component.
Any ideas where it is gone? If i make a new project it is there but not in this one?

Check your settings in the Blocks ToolKit in Designer Screen1.Properties

I have already looked at this.. I looked at the define pallet feature and set it to all after and it still isn't there..

Check again else post a screenshot that shows problem

Screenshot 2022-05-23 150746

Can you share your aia project?

Unit17_mobile_apps_development.aia (4.6 MB)
Im creating a simple quiz app for a college assignment, i was using the sound component yesterday but its just disappeared..

do you have an extension with same name?

Hmmm, the sound component shows up for me in your project.

Which server are you using?

Things to try:
Now you have a back up of your project, delete it from AI2, and remove from trash, then import your aia project again.
Try the code server if using the ai2 server or vice-versa
Close down You browser and restart
Close down your computer and restart

On another matter, you might want to review how you are switching screens

Use different screens wisely

If you decided to use different screens, then you should switch them correctly, else you will run out of memory after a while...      
The recommended method of switching screens in App Inventor
(Thanks Taifun)
Also see demo: multiscreen.aia

I had restarted my browser before but not my laptop, its working now tysm! :slight_smile:

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Good to hear, see my post about switching screens.

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