11,000! Sure
We might be able to optimise them - does App Inventor complain during the build?
He complained during compilation. But I used a dynamic extension and created most of the components dynamically from the json file. This made the applications a bit smaller and allowed compilations. The application has a lot of components and screens from the arrangement. It processes a lot of data. Uses bluetooth, USBserial. Recently I reduced blocks a bit, but so far no ideas for further optimizations. I already do a lot of things in loops and use anycomponents.
Sounds efficient in fact. Sometimes though, there is simply a different way that you never thought of or found, then my fellow Power User ABG comes along, introduces that "way" and cuts the Block count in half like a magician and his brave assistant
The things that sprang to my mind - most large projects benefit from using Virtual Screens and loops using Any Component. The other major issue when running the complied App can be non-optimised images. The dynamic components method is novel - I have not seen that in action. So, you have got it to be as lean as it can be (perhaps minus the ABG factor).
The only other aspect I can think of is providing the User with functionality that they don't really need - like my Car's Sat Nav, which in addition to maps, has a music player, radio, games and a whole host of other unnecessary bits and bobs, yet the map GUI really needs work, it's about as User friendly as a hungry crocodile.
suppose if i was looking for a certain function / event to modify i use to place that block (screen1 initialise
or button1. OnClick )again and then use the arrows in the error section to take me to that block of code again! feels good to know i think like a power user
I do that often too
Ok so ther we have some interresting way to find blocks in AI.
1st :
2nd :
3rd :
Is someone have some trick in order to find this kind of blok ?
or disabled bloks ?
all idea is welcome !
you will find here a wonderful and helpful Firefox addon to find blocks in your sketch
(note: I replaced the word "extension" by "Firefox addon" to make it clear, that this is not an App Inventor extension but a Firefox addon... Taifun)
I think jean-marc's suggestion in his post starting this discussion is brilliant.
I find I am spending more time wandering around the screen looking, looking, looking for the item of interest than in actual editing. The pointers offered in this discussion are helpful, but jean-marc's suggestion is brilliant.
As with all complex systems, we need to hide detail we are not working on. The groups could be collapsed independently of each other. The existing organising commands like clean up & sort by category could be applied to just within a group.
Finally, someone did it as it should be.
I had honestly never used the Clean-up Blocks function; so i tried to put it to the test, in my 7000+ block app. I have to admit I was amazed at how it managed to sort into groups and group them into one column; absolutely much better to navigate up and down, just with the mouse; otherwise you had to navigate left and right, to look for something..my compliments to Mit App Inventor